HOW TO MIGRAINE - cured by Ayurveda

Migraine are so painful ,severe and recurring headache typically headache  affect one part of the head and pulsating in nature and this pain is last for 2 to 72 hrs.

3-Sensitivity to light, sound and smell

 6-Too much and not taking enough sleep
 7-skipped meals
 8-Medicine overuse (taking to much migraine medicine)
 9-Sudden change in environment and temperature 
10-strong smells
Risk factors-

1-Are women.women are 3 times more effected by migraines than     male
2-Genetically.those people who have previous history of migraine       in their family members
3-Have other medical condition- Those who effected by Depression and Anxiety,sleep disorder,bipolar disorder etc.

How Migraine are Diagnosed?
  Migraine are diagnosed with the help of following these steps:
1-take your medical history.
2-Ask about your symptoms.
3-Do your physical and Neurological exam

Turmeric has been used in Asia from thousand of years, major part of Ayurveda ,Traditional Chinese MedicineUnani Medicine and Siddha Medicine.
 Eating turmeric is highly effective in case of Migraine .This spice which has been staple in India and south east Asia from thousand of years, demand of this spice has tremendously increase because of their health benefits such as lowering chances of heart attack ,help in skin glow.

    Turmeric contain highly active ingredient,namely Curcumin which help in relieving headache because of Anti-inflammatory effect , strong Anti-oxidant properties,analgesic and Anti-modulatory properties.

Benefits of Turmeric in Migraine-
Curcumin is the key component of Turmeric. A spice well known for adding flavor and color to Indian curries.  
There is the number of ways through which Turmeric help in treating Migraine .It help in lowering Risk factors and contribute in health improvements.

 In Migraine high pain occurs in one part of head and pain has so extreme  and unbearable.This pain occurs due to disturbance in cortical sensory modulation system and disturbance in the coordination of signaling mechanism and its becomes impaired .
        Inflammation in the sensory neuron is the main cause of pain which patient experience and turmeric help in decreasing sensitivity of this pain stimuli.

               [Related article-Turmeric for Pain Relief]

Curcumin delivers pain and tackles inflammation at the same time to lessen the painful stimuli.

Women faces more migraine problem as compared to male.In women hormone like Estrogen specially become imbalance and  main cause of migraine.
     Both increased and decreased level of estrogen hormone effects the women central nervous system which causes neuronal  activation result in migraine pain.

Curcumin lower the estrogen level when estrogen level is high and vice versa , certain diseases like endometriosis elevates the estrogen level but with the help of curcumin estrogen level could be controlled and balanced.

Migraine are majorly triggered by stress and depression .high stress has been linked to migraine frequency,and both migration and  depression are associated with low level of serotonin.
some of the bio active ingredients in turmeric has shown to increase serotonin and dopamine ,which reduce depression and stress

  I strongly recommend to buy TATA SAMPANN Turmeric           powder.Every pouch of Tata Sampann Turmeric Powder has at least 3% of curcumin that offers its rich yellow color and various ayurvedic properties whereas ordinary haldi powder have only 2 - 2.5% curcumin content.                      
